Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Hard Times

Written By: The Rabid Rogue - MrManUSA Writer

It's No Secret that the Holiday Season can be difficult. (to say the least) The Holiday Rush for Gifts and Dinners and Holiday Special Moments devour our attention and take our focus from our daily lives. The Loss of Loved Ones during the Holidays also leaves us dealing with added unwanted stress and feelings. Sometimes life may appear to be sending us in directions that we have no control over or directions that we don't wish to go due to circumstances that are beyond our control. It is these times that we need to focus our attention on what we can control and realize that somethings we cannot change, but we can overcome them with perseverance.

I feel it is important to realize that life goes on whether it is the Holidays or the middle of July. The days are no different. It is our feelings and our collective mindset of how Special the Holidays are to us due to the pressure of commercialization of the Holiday Season that intensify all of our thoughts and feelings. Do you think about Donating to the Salvation Army all year long? No. Most of us don't. I sometimes donate old furniture and things, but I don't make monetary donations, EXCEPT during the Holidays. There is something about an individual standing in the cold ringing a bell that spurs my spirit to give. Do you rush around to find gifts for all your loved ones all year long? No.... Why? Is it because there is no reason to? No. There is always a reason to! How about LOVE? Isn't that really what the Holidays are about? Love. Powerful. Unequivocal Love. There is something to be said about the feeling you get when you give someone a Gift during the Holidays... The feeling you get when you see them open it is warm and uplifting. So why do we really only do this every December? Are Gifts really that important? Not to Me. I would rather be able to spend the Holidays with those important to me than to receive gifts.

So Life Goes On all year long. People are not starving any more in December than they are in June... Loved Ones are Lost in May as they are in December. Holiday Spirit is what amplifies our feelings about these issues. So if you are a victim of the Holiday Blues because of circumstances in your Life, remember that it can always be worse. Focus on what you CAN Control...Maybe not thoughts or feelings, but Physical Action. Spend more time with Mom...She's not always going to be there... Reconcile with someone you have not been able to forgive.... Donate your time at a Local Food Shelter or Soup Kitchen... Donate a Toy for a Child you don't know...

So no matter what your problems are...there is someone out there that needs you...maybe you just can't see it....MAYBE the reason you are going through what you are going through is a determining circumstance that leads you to make a difference in someone else's life...

Here is a list of links if you feel like making a Monetary Donation during this Holiday Season. Happy Holidays to All!
Assist Our Soldiers with anything from paying the Electric Bill to Medical Bills from Combat Injury (this includes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Assist Families in need due to Disasters
Make a Dream Come True!
A Website with an Extensive List of Charities!

Once Again...Happy Holidays!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Top Ten Ways To Get Through The Holidays

By: The Rabid Rogue MrManUsa Writer

While the Holidays always seem to go by waaaaay too fast, I have come up with a few ways for you to Slow it Down and beat the Holiday Rat Race! Trust me THESE Work!

Listen to Christmas Music...Listen to the WORDS and let them fill your soul. There are heaps of Songs for the Holidays...Pick a Few...Burn a CD and LISTEN! Here are a few of my Favorites:

Christmas Shoes

I'll Be Home For Christmas

White Christmas

Where Are You Christmas

Listen to all of these and more at

On one of your days off from work, Volunteer! There are MANY Organizations and Groups that need Volunteers for the Holidays...You will be surprised at how fulfilled you feel after! It will renew your sense of the Holiday Season!

Take Ten Minutes to just Relax and forget about the Rush and the Shopping and the Presents!

Make Cocoa for the Family and Cozy Up to a great Christmas Classic like Irving Berlin's White Christmas.

Go Caroling!

Make a Snow Angel or Snow Person with the Kids or a Loved One! If You live where there is snow....if not...get some Packing Peanuts and do it in the Yard! Neighbors will LOVE it!

Buy a few Inexpensive Items, Wrap them, and Walk Down Main Street with a Santa Hat and Beard giving the Presents to Random People or Children!

If you have Children, take them shopping and let them pick out an Item, Buy it, and take them to a place to let them Donate it! Lets Teach Our Children!

Buy some Christmas Lights and Hang them for an Elderly Neighbor!

Have your Picture Taken with Santa!


If All Else Fails and you REALLY need to blow off some steam......Build a Snow Person and BEAT the CRAP Outta It!!!!! Then you can Laugh at yourself for what you've just done!!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Circle of Life


Before I go any further, let me explain that the whole point of this observation is to explain this: There is No Such Thing as a BAD Decision. Decisions are Decisions. Period. The outcomes simply define the boundaries in which we live. Let me give you a somewhat brief synopsis of my Life to illustrate my point.

My Life began by being born to an Alcoholic, Schizophrenic, Mother. A wonderful combination, I know. BUT, let me explain how her Choices and Decisions, however bad they may have been, led me to be the Man I am today. At Nine Years Old, my Sister was taking better care of me than my own Mother. When I was just over a Year Old, my Sister and I were placed in Foster Care after the County was notified of the lack of care our Mother was providing. We were placed with a loving Family that Adopted both of us four years later. Now I would like to point out that a few very important decisions were made in this time. Our Mother Chose not to take her Medication. She also Chose to immerse herself in Alcoholic Binges....BUT She also CHOSE to relinquish her parental rights and allow us to be adopted. I, at only Five Years Old, was given the CHOICE of allowing the Foster Family to Adopt Me. A pretty BIG decision for a Five Year Old. But my Sister was Happy, so I figured it must be OK.

So my school years passed and I went to College where I made poor Choices which ultimately led to my leaving college after only four semesters. After college, I left my fiancĂ© and began dating the most wonderful woman I know. That was almost Ten Years ago. While together, I still made poor choices and got shafted by employers. The Ultimate shafting was given to me by the U.S. Federal Government. I applied and was hired by U.S. Customs. I, however, was later turned away due to very small print. I have an eye condition that does not meet Federal Regulations. After that occurred, I did not even WANT to hold a job. Angry at the world for denying me my dreams. I was not even eligible to serve my country because of this “technicality” as they called it. So, more poor choices were made. My Girlfriend and I decided to move to a different state for a fresh start. Vermont here we come! After approximately 4 Months in Vermont, we were blessed with the news that she was pregnant. A shock to both of us due to a medical condition she was diagnosed with that estimated there was a 99.9% chance that the only way she could bear children would be In vitro-Fertilization. After verifying that she was indeed healthy and able to carry the baby to term, we were ecstatic to say the least. The following July, we were blessed with a Baby Girl. Vermont also opened up some new avenues for me. I became employed by a reputable Security Company that Ultimately led to my current Employment with VT Department of Corrections.

Finally, to the point of all of this. The Circle of Life just IS. There are no real wrong or right choices. There really are no consequences...only RESULTS to the things we choose to do. The Choices I made in my life paved the way for the things to come. The “poor” choices I made in college set into motion the circumstances for my choices which led to the Birth of my beautiful Daughter! I may never have MET my Girlfriend. All of the circumstances of my life...the “poor” decisions made by others and by Me ultimately culminate and shine through years later by giving me my stunning, amazing Girlfriend (whom I plan to marry) and my beautiful Daughter. So I use the words “good”, “bad” and “poor” only as references to how outcomes are viewed. What if I was never noticed as a neglected child? Would I be where I am today? Or WHO I am today?? So remember that the next time you have a decision to make...just because you go left at every fork in the road, you may really be going “Right.”

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tech Help Line Idiots

Ok, Here it is....let me tell you a bit about my latest experience.....Tech Help Line Support...Idiots... I think some of these guys are hired just to anger people.. As I understand it, they are supposed to be there to HELP you...not Hinder the situation... Here's My Story:

I have an Xbox 360... I have had it for about 3 years... 4 months after I got it for Christmas, I had the "Red Rings of Death" as it is known in the Gamer World. This is actually 3 Flashing Red Lights on the Console. This is a Hardware Failure and it needs to be sent to Microsoft for Free Repair. No Problem there....Call them and they will repair it! Great Service... Now, the problem lies in this: the Idiots that are between you and your repair..... The First time I sent my console back, it was fine... the Second time was annoying, but I got over it.... the THIRD time was a DISASTER!

Now let me set the tone of the call: I was already pretty irritated that the Console was in a Hardware Failure State when I that didn't help...BUT, I knew that if I was nice about it, and handled it in a mature manner, that the call would go smoothly....yeah...right... Instead, I call and have to go through an automated process to Fully Determine that this is actually the problem with my Console...Ok..Fine... I did...even though I already knew what the problem was after researching it Online... After it was determined to be a Hardware Failure by and AUTOMATED Line, rather than talking to a Tech to set up a Repair Order, what happens? The Automatic Line Directs me to do it on the Microsoft Website and HANGS UP ON ME! I suck it up and go on the Website. It asks me to I attempt to Login with my Xbox Live Account...and What happens???? It won't recognize the account that I paid $50/year for....It keeps trying to get me to sign up for a new call the Tech Line again and go through Options that have NOTHING to do with my problem JUST to get a PERSON to talk to...

Finally the Automated Line puts me on hold for a Tech...after about a 10 minute wait, a Tech comes on the line that sounds like English is his 10th Language! I could barely understand ANYTHING he said! And the WORST part? because of HOW I had to go through the options on the Automated Line, the Tech thinks that my problem is something different! WHAT A CIRCUS!!! after about 10 minutes of irritation with Him, I ask to be transferred to someone else...He didn't even understand THAT!!! He flatout refused transferring me!!! I say again: REFUSED!!!! I had to request a transfer 3 times!!!!

Finally, Habib transferred me to a guy named Joe! Joe was very helpful and set the Repair Order for less than 2 MINUTES!!!! AND During this 2 Minutes he even reassured me that the repair would be FREE OF CHARGE even though my Warranty for the Console has expired! So the Process for a 2 Minute Call lasted OVER an HOUR!!!

So, I ask: Why do companies hire these idiots? I'm not saying the people are stupid that they hire, but isn't it counter productive? I mean people are already upset when they call...why irritate customers more??? What are the qualifications for a job like that? BREATHING?? Able to Sit in a Chair? Typing Skills? What makes a company WANT to hear Customer Complaints about their Employees???? Here's a thought: Stop Outsourcing Jobs to Idiots...Keep the jobs here and hire people that NEED the jobs!!! Like Starving Comedians!!! Wouldn't that be great?? Someone to make you laugh while getting the job done?
So a Ginormous Thank You goes out to Joe for his assistance...and a Samll Thank You goes out to Habib for wasting enough of my time that I didn't have time to Wash Dishes!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Make your own DVD movies for FREE!

By Devon Foxx - MrManUSA Writer

Ever wonder how you can take those videos you have on your computer and put them on a DVD that will play in a DVD player and do it for free? Well aside from paying for the disc anyway!

There are a number of ways you can obtain your videos. If you are familiar with Windows Movie Maker you are well aware of how you can take your videos and put them together into a rather nice movie. Windows Movie Maker comes free with Windows.

You can also download videos from YouTube using a program called You Tube Downloader, videos from YouTube and other "Tube" sites will generally download as "FLV" files. To use them in Windows Movie Maker you will have to convert them to a different format. Fortunately You Tube Downloader comes with a conversion utility built in although converting them is a second step you will have to do after you are done downloading them.

Now comes an Awesome program! And it's FREE. DVD Flick is a free program that will take all of the major video formats and burn them all to DVD. You do not have to convert them seperately, DVD Flick will do it as you generate your DVD movie. You can take your Windows Movie Maker files, YouTube videos, and most other videos you find on the internet and drop them all into your DVD Flick project. You then set the order in which you want them to play. After selecting a few other options such as video quality and the title of your disc you are ready to generate your DVD.

Now, it is free, so there are some trade-offs. It is pretty slow in generating a DVD movie and the design options are limited. You will want to set it up just before you go to bed and let DVD Flick work while you sleep. But, on a limited budget you can't complain, it does the job! After generating your DVD it will reside on your computer. If you want it on a DVD disc all you have to do is open your CD/DVD burning software and burn it to DVD just like you would make a data disc.

Alternatively you can download and buy Nero 9, probably the best for purchase DVD authoring software on the planet. This will set you back between $59.99 to $79.99 but is well worth it if your ready to move from free to a paid piece of software!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Driver's Re-Test??

By: TheRabidRogue MrManUSA Writer

OK, I'm going to apologize early for this one! It may seem more like an incoherent rant than actually addressing an issue...BUT..Something needs to be said about this issue! Here's My Story:

I was on my way to dropping my daughter off at Daycare this morning, and as I was driving down the street, (less than a mile from my apartment) a car almost hit my truck! What's so special about that? Well, let me attempt to describe the scene! On the right hand side of the street, there was a whole line of cars parked. What makes this unique is the fact that they were ALL FACING TOWARD ONCOMING TRAFFIC! So when the man in the car pulled out from where he was parked, he was immediately facing me IN MY LANE!!!!!! Screeching Tires and a Loud Horn Blowing is what I heard as I swerved to the left! I didn't even have TIME to hit the Brakes, but he had time to blame ME for the situation! The Nerve! Like it is MY fault He was Parked ILLEGALLY FACING TRAFFIC and couldn't see to pull out! That's WHY it's against the law! So, I stifled my explicative language for the sake of my Daughter and Drove On singing Piano Man to her with the Radio.

Less than a Mile later, I am stopped at a Stop Light with my Right Turn Signal On, waiting for the light to change. The Right Turn I would shortly be making behind the vehicle in front of me is on to a 1-Way, Two Lane Highway. The Light Turns Green, and the Vehicle in Front of me turns the Right Turn and I slowly follow. As I was turning, a Vehicle that was at the Light Facing Me, also Turned into Her Proper Lane. Somehow, this woman did not see me and without signaling, begins to change lanes from the Left Lane into the Right Lane. I Slowed Down and HAMMERED on my Horn! The Elderly “Lady” (that was making an illegal lane change) Swerved Back into her Lane and had the audacity to proudly display her middle finger to me! UNREAL......Again...apparently it was all MY fault...

After I safely deliver my Daughter to Daycare, I am still singing with the radio on the way home until an alert is issued about an accident on the Interstate nearby. The South-Bound Lane will be Closed for HOURS because some nincompoop driving a Commercial Transport Bus failed to comply with the Construction Speed Zone, Lost Control after Hitting the Grooved Pavement and Bounced Off a Guard Rail and Collided with Multiple Vehicles ultimately coming to a halt on it's Roof in the Median! Six People were Rushed to the Hospital with Serious Injuries! All because someone doesn't follow the rules!

So, Here is my Proposal:

We have all heard the argument stating that Elderly People should have to Re-Take their Driver's Exam and Road Test. Let's take that a step further! Why not force EVERYONE to Re-Test every Five Years?????? Eye Exam, Written Test Addressing Traffic Laws, Road-Test and YES, How about a Test for Illegal Substances??? YEP, I said it! Drug Test for your License! Why Not? I mean, sure, after the initial Drug Test, it won't stop people from Using, but how many would have their License Suspended until they COULD Pass? Maybe that short period of time could save a life! Why Not Implement a Federal Program for Random Drug Tests for All Drivers??? Cost? No Problem..Increase the License Fee and use the Extra Money for the Random Tests! I, Personally, have no qualms about any of this! I would Gladly Submit to a Written Exam about Traffic Safety, a Road Test, Eye Exam and a Drug Test!

I know we have all had similar occurrences. Do we all make Mistakes when Driving? YES! I do too! But I don't have a blatant disregard for the Rules of the Road! Doesn't it bother you that people fail to follow the rules and place YOUR LIFE AT RISK??? No? How about your LOVED ONE'S LIVES?? When are people going to be held accountable for their actions BEFORE a disaster occurs?? Lets be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE!!! Let's DO Something about this! Lets Get the Idiots Off the Road! For Our Safety, and Our Children's Safety!

Monday, May 11, 2009

...:::Coming Up At MrManUSA:::...

Coming up at MrManUSA:

We are an undisclosed amount of days away from Episode 1 of the MrManUSA Audio Pod-Cast! In the pod-cast we will talk about our articles as well as feed back you leave. We'll talk about the latest news and what ever else we think of! You will be able to download the show and take it with you where ever you go and listen to it at your convenience!

We want you to send us your ideas for articles and pod-cast topics. Here is a little slice of what we are working on right now!

*Internet security for home, tips for keeping your kids safe.
*Forms and templates in Microsoft Office made easy!
*Utopia?? Can It Be Achieved?
*How to Change Fuel Prices!

*How Safe are My Child's Toys?
*Outer Space......
*Tips and Tricks and Helpful Hints!

If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to email me or leave comments on articles. So far MrManUSA has been read in over 30 states and 5 countries worldwide. Thank you to all who keep coming back, and we promise to have some more interesting things here for you soon!

~Devon Foxx

Social Shift!


Welfare...Public Assistance...Benefits...Whatever you want to call it...Its time for a change..Again, I am drawing conclusions from Personal Observations and Experiences, and maybe I am way off base, but here's a situation I have seen many times:
My Next Door Neighbor is on Public Assistance. She Plays “The System”. She does not work, Reproduces like she needs to populate a small continent, and has general disregard for everyone around her (including her 4 children which she screams at daily). Why does Society tolerate this? Why? I am a logical person, so I guess it must be the “Herd Mentality.” The Herd takes care of their own...That's Fine and Dandy, but when does Natural Selection come in??? Survival of the Fittest?? When is enough...ENOUGH??? This Woman (I use the term loosely because I don't feel she has reached that level of maturity yet) that lives near me can afford more luxury items than I can! Her Rent, Lights, Heat, Health Benefits and Food PAID for by the State! And now I find out that she has been granted a Voucher by the State for a Larger Apartment...And, of course, it just so happens there is one available DIRECTLY ABOVE MINE...So this Foul-Mouthed-Strung-Out-Reproducing-Rabbit may be moving above me...Sure...I could call and report that she has not been honest in her declarations to the State by allowing her boyfriend (who I think works) to live with them. Her Full-Coverage would be reduced in the very least, but it is not my job to police these matters. So instead, I propose a Solution!

Welfare Reform?? Not the Answer! How about a Government Subsidized Workforce???? Let me explain further....Many people feel that being a Stay-at-Home Mom or Dad is a Full-Time Job. I agree. So...Why not create a Workforce of these people and get them OFF Welfare??? PAY them to stay at home and provide for their children, and force them to be productive members of society!! What's the Difference you ask??? Well, Hold Them Accountable. Verify they are doing something for our Tax Dollars! Make them submit a simple signed form showing they were there and doing something!!!! Sure, it's still our Tax Dollars paying for their Rent, Food, Clothes...BUT, make them do “X” number of hours of Community Service a Week!!!! Gee, Here's a THOUGHT: They can bring their KIDS too! That's right! Maybe that will help instill a few Morals and Values along the way! Having those children watch Mommy Serve Food in a Soup
Kitchen, or Daddy Cleaning Trash from the Side of our Roadways, or Simply Helping at a Community Center may just lead those young minds on the right path! I have a Daughter, and as soon as she is old enough to help with things like that, we will be doing this! And the ONLY payment we will receive is Satisfaction!
Say what you want, but not only would I prefer MY Tax Dollars be spent on something productive like this, but I think it could spur a Economical and Social Change...How Can That Be Bad????

I want to make something clear: I understand that a system for temporary relief funds needs to be in effect, but temporary is the key word. Not only that, but I also understand that some people are just not capable of work. These are NOT the members of society that I focus this on. I focus this on the “Members” of society that CHOOSE to live in this fashion. Lets Help America's Youth!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Next-Gen Console Gaming!


Since the Rise of Next-Gen Consoles, (Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3) Gaming has grown immensely. The single most important factor in this is the Rise of Networking. Through the Use of Xbox Live, the Playstation Network and Wii Online Access, Gamers are now able to not only Play against Gamers from the Globe, but they can Chat, Text Message and even leave a Voice Message for their Buddies! In a technologically driven society, it is not a surprise that this occurred, but an expected evolutionary step. It's a great way to both make new Friends and keep in touch with old College Friends or Family Members! Even though the Gaming Industry didn't quite have this in mind when it was created, it became a Marketable Feature.

While each Next-Gen Console Network has different features, they all share the same purposes. Gaming with Actual People. Let's face can only beat the snot out of an AI controlled enemy so many times before it really isn't that fun anymore! Take for Example: any of the Tiger Woods Series Golf Games. I, personally, am a Fan of this Series. The problem with playing it Off-Line is that it just doesn't adjust to make it challenging after you have increased your stats to the max. I have won Tournaments by 30-50 Strokes! Where's the fun in that??? How many times can you finish the core content of a game and still want to start from the beginning? Maybe with Sports or Racing Games, but I don't see how I would want to complete any Game more than...twice... So connecting to the Online Gaming Community and playing tournaments against Gamers from all Skill Levels adds a renewed enjoyment in the game, thus providing more entertainment for the money you have invested in the Game!

Speaking of of the Value of Investment in Gaming, Online Access has also made available the option of Down-Loadable Content (DLC), thus increasing the Options available! Like New Multi-Player Maps for Titles like Call of Duty or Rainbow Six Vegas 2. New Courses and Clubs for Tiger Woods!

DLC Ranges from Game Options to Videos, Gaming News, Movie Previews and Even Netflix on Xbox Live! Streaming Movies through your Gaming System!

There are many other features of the Next-Gen Consoles like File Sharing and Improved Graphics, but without the Online Networking and DLC, Sales of these consoles would be dastardly low. So GAME-ON and if you are ever on Xbox Live, come find me!

Gamertag: TheRabidRogue

If you are a Fan of Online Gaming, I just viewed a Teaser Trailer on Xbox Live for an upcoming Movie from Lionsgate called GAMER. The Movie is about a Guy being CONTROLLED as if he is a Character in a Video Game! Here is a Link to the Official Site for more Information about the Movie! Believe Me.....if you Love Playing Games like Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare on Xbox Live or Playstation Network, you will WANT to check this out! From the Trailer, you can actually see a recreated version of a Warehouse from the "Pipeline" Map! Check it out! You WON'T be Disappointed! For Information! For an Upcoming Trailer!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Parenting Observations!


I have been a Parent now since July of 2007. Although I had my concerns about how adequate of a parent I would become, I have since realized that I could definitely be worse. Before you freak out, let me explain myself further. I do not feel that my daughter is any more special than any other child. These observations are drawn from personal experiences.

Many parents have indicated to me that their child doesn't do the things they see my daughter doing. For Example: while conversing with a clerk in a store last week,
my daughter kept asking for a “Bee Bop.” That's her term for a Tootsie Roll Pop. As I kept explaining to my daughter that she could have a “Bee Bop” when she gets home, the clerk expressed that she wished her son would talk that much. I inquired about his age and was astonished when she said he is almost FOUR YEARS OLD! I did not know how to reply to her. This is only one instance of multiple occasions this has occurred. It isn't always about how much she talks. It is sometimes about how clear she talks or just simply that she jabbers on incessantly. It is sometimes about how animated she is with her expressions and gestures. Each time something like this occurs, I find myself in an awkward position and state “Oh, He (or she) will get there.”

Now, I admit, I am not the best parent, but every action I take, I attempt to make it with my daughter's best interest in mind. Do I always succeed? NO! NO! And NO! My daughter pulled the cookies off the counter yesterday morning and ate four of them before it was realized. Is it OK that she did this???? I think YES! Once in a while it is OK to have Cookies, Cake, Pie or Pizza for Breakfast! Everything in Moderation! Thats the lesson that it will teach her! I hope that someday that lesson will hold true someday! Maybe when she is old enough to consume alcoholic beverages, it will be there to prevent her from an over indulgence that may lead to dependency! Even at this VERY moment while I type this, my daughter is watching Horton Hears a Who and POUNDING on my Rock Band Drum Set!! But very soon, it will be Bath Time, Story Time and then Bed Time!

Some may think that I have a relaxed method of parenting from what t
hey have read so far, but that is far from accurate. I was adopted into a home of strict Catholics. I clearly set boundaries and ALWAYS follow through with any and all promises or ultimatums I state. Nap Time is Nap Time. Bed Time is Bed Time. Yes is Yes and NO is NO.

So, here it is: Parenting isn't about WHAT you know or HOW you deal with the issue of the day! It's about Setting an Example! Spending Time with your Children! How Better to set an Example than to Spend Time Together??? If Children see you read, (even the newspaper) they will want to read too! If they see you plopped in front of the TV stuffing popcorn and Ho-Ho's in your face, what do YOU think they'll end up doing?? I have finally started asking questions of these people that speak of their child's inadequacy. They don't seem to care for the questions I ask. The sad thing is this: I'm not asking tough questions! They just don't seem to want to hear that they, as parents, may be the source of their children's development issues. Maybe if enough of us start asking those tough questions when we are presented the opportunity, it might change one child's life after some parent gets annoyed enough with all the questions.
And after returning to writing this after just giving my little girl a Bath, Reading her a Story, Getting the Sweetest Hug and Kiss and Hearing her say “Love You Too Much Too Daddy!” I feel hope in my abilities as a productive parent, feel proud to have created such a beautiful creature as my daughter, and renew my Daily Vow to give her as much Love and Attention as I can each day of my life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Video Remix - Boom Boom Pow - BEP

Appearing on my top five countdown this week, Boom Boom Pow by the BEP. This is a video remix done by Russ Castella of Very nicely done remix! Visit his site to check out some of his other remixes. The MrManUSA Top 5 Countdown is on the right side of the screen, check out the top 5 songs in the country by clicking the play button!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fair and Square!

By Devon Foxx - MrManUSA Writer

I always laugh when I tell people about my theory of Fair and Square. In reality it is pretty simple... When you go to the golden arches and pay almost $10 for a burger, fries, and a drink I think that it is only fair that you grab a few extra napkins for cleaning things up in the car!

Everybody has some fast food napkins stashed somewhere in their car. Maybe they did not think of them as Fair and Square, but none-the-less we all have them. Now some may think that is not right, here is my argument. All fast food places stamp or print their logo right on their napkins. All I do is simply place what essentially is an advertisement in my glove box. So for .05 cents worth of napkins the golden arches gets repeated advertising impressions every time I get in my car!

Here are the famous slogans used by McDonalds over the years:

1960: “Look For the Golden Arches”; “All American Meal” (promotes burger, fries and shake)
1960: “Go for Goodness at McDonald’s”
1966-69: “Your Kind of Place”
1970-74: “You Deserve a Break Today”
1975: “We Do It All for You”
1976-78: “You, You’re the One”
1979-81: “Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald’s Can”
1981-83: “You Deserve a Break Today”
1983-84: “McDonald’s & You”
1984-88: “It’s a Good Time for the Great Taste of McDonald’s”
1987: “Mac Tonight” (promoting late-night business)
1988-90: “Good Time, Great Taste, That’s Why This Is My Place”
1990-91: “Food, Folks & Fun”
1991-92: “McDonald’s Today”
1992-94: “What You Want Is What You Get at McDonald’s Today”
1995-97: “Have You Had Your Break Today?”
1997: “My McDonald’s”
1997-2000: “Did Somebody Say McDonald’s?”
2000-2002: “We Love to See You Smile”
2002-03: “Smile”
2003- : “I’m Lovin’ It”

I think 2009 should be "Take our napkins, they're free!"

Now I am thinking, what else is Fair and Square? Well, when you fill up at the gas station they usually have a garbage can right there next to the pump. Take a moment while your filling your tank to grab those two coffee cups and throw them away! It's free and your filling your tank right?

Alright, I can't give up all my secrets! I gotta go, I am out of time. Today is free sample day at the grocery store and I am starved! I'm joking...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Paying for two seats? Why not by the pound!

After seeing some of the recent news stories about airlines starting to charge for two seats for over weight passengers it got me thinking. Why not start charging by the pound!

I skimmed through some blogs about the subject and found one guy that warns people that the airlines are going to start treating people like cargo. Why not? What is wrong with that idea? I mean aside from tying people down and stripping the amenities from the plane, what would be wrong with changing their business model to charge a by the pound shipping rate? I think a base ticket price plus a per pound rate would accommodate everybody and discriminate no one. It would be an additional encouragement for frequent travelers to keep themselves in shape too! As I see it right now there is too much room for discrimination and lawsuits that will make every one's fair go up and the general opinions of airlines go down.

As it stands how are the decisions made on who gets charged double? Are there standards in place that are solid and unarguable? I wonder if it comes down to if the ticket agent or boarding staff are repulsed that is when they say hey you need to pay more. Or if there is a set documented list of criteria. Scrap it all and charge by the pound! The airlines already know exactly to the penny how much it costs to move 1 bag of peanuts, that is why most airlines transitioned into giving small bags of pretzels instead, they weigh less and therefore cost less to move. Half cans of soda and only loading enough fuel for the actual flight are more things airlines do to save fuel. They know how much it would cost to move a person weighing 150lbs from Logan to JFK!

A base fee would eliminate most of the complaints in this model. At the time of this writing a round trip ticket on Jet Blue for one person from Boston, MA to Ft Lauderdale, FL this summer costs $219.20. No where on their site do I see a per pound option. If they charged a $99 base fee and then $1 per lb a 120lb person could fly at basically the same rate. That same ticket would cost someone weighing 350lbs about $449. They could easily give that heavy person an additional seat at that point and the airline would not lose a dime. It would be decided by documented parameters and not by someones opinion therefore stopping any complaints. It would be a national weight-loss incentive! Bring a letter from your doctor and get .10 off per pound! Instead of frequent flier miles they could go with something more geared for pounds. Fly so many flights per year and earn .05 cents off per pound ect ect.

Now I am not an expert on the airline business so maybe there is something heavy I am missing here but I would think some one should have thought of this before. I would also think it would further stabilize earnings projections made by airlines. They know how many pounds they move on average annually, stabilize the pricing model it would then stabilize projections. The price per pound would be mitigated by the price of fuel. If fuel goes up a buck change the per pound rate accordingly.

I encourage your feedback on this. Am I way off base here or is this idea plausible? Post feedback below, you can do so anonymously if you wish or leave your name! I may update this post or reply to feed back on the same page.