Circle of Life
Before I go any further, let me explain that the whole point of this observation is to explain this: There is No Such Thing as a BAD Decision. Decisions are Decisions. Period. The outcomes simply define the boundaries in which we live. Let me give you a somewhat brief synopsis of my Life to illustrate my point.
My Life began by being born to an Alcoholic, Schizophrenic, Mother. A wonderful combination, I know. BUT, let me explain how her Choices and Decisions, however bad they may have been, led me to be the Man I am today. At Nine Years Old, my Sister was taking better care of me than my own Mother. When I was just over a Year Old, my Sister and I were placed in Foster Care after the County was notified of the lack of care our Mother was providing. We were placed with a loving Family that Adopted both of us four years later. Now I would like to point out that a few very important decisions were made in this time. Our Mother Chose not to take her Medication. She also Chose to immerse herself in Alcoholic Binges....BUT She also CHOSE to relinquish her parental rights and allow us to be adopted. I, at only Five Years Old, was given the CHOICE of allowing the Foster Family to Adopt Me. A pretty BIG decision for a Five Year Old. But my Sister was Happy, so I figured it must be OK.
So my school years passed and I went to College where I made poor Choices which ultimately led to my leaving college after only four semesters. After college, I left my fiancĂ© and began dating the most wonderful woman I know. That was almost Ten Years ago. While together, I still made poor choices and got shafted by employers. The Ultimate shafting was given to me by the U.S. Federal Government. I applied and was hired by U.S. Customs. I, however, was later turned away due to very small print. I have an eye condition that does not meet Federal Regulations. After that occurred, I did not even WANT to hold a job. Angry at the world for denying me my dreams. I was not even eligible to serve my country because of this “technicality” as they called it. So, more poor choices were made. My Girlfriend and I decided to move to a different state for a fresh start. Vermont here we come! After approximately 4 Months in Vermont, we were blessed with the news that she was pregnant. A shock to both of us due to a medical condition she was diagnosed with that estimated there was a 99.9% chance that the only way she could bear children would be In vitro-Fertilization. After verifying that she was indeed healthy and able to carry the baby to term, we were ecstatic to say the least. The following July, we were blessed with a Baby Girl. Vermont also opened up some new avenues for me. I became employed by a reputable Security Company that Ultimately led to my current Employment with VT Department of Corrections.
Finally, to the point of all of this. The Circle of Life just IS. There are no real wrong or right choices. There really are no consequences...only RESULTS to the things we choose to do. The Choices I made in my life paved the way for the things to come. The “poor” choices I made in college set into motion the circumstances for my choices which led to the Birth of my beautiful Daughter! I may never have MET my Girlfriend. All of the circumstances of my life...the “poor” decisions made by others and by Me ultimately culminate and shine through years later by giving me my stunning, amazing Girlfriend (whom I plan to marry) and my beautiful Daughter. So I use the words “good”, “bad” and “poor” only as references to how outcomes are viewed. What if I was never noticed as a neglected child? Would I be where I am today? Or WHO I am today?? So remember that the next time you have a decision to make...just because you go left at every fork in the road, you may really be going “Right.”
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