Thursday, May 14, 2009

Driver's Re-Test??

By: TheRabidRogue MrManUSA Writer

OK, I'm going to apologize early for this one! It may seem more like an incoherent rant than actually addressing an issue...BUT..Something needs to be said about this issue! Here's My Story:

I was on my way to dropping my daughter off at Daycare this morning, and as I was driving down the street, (less than a mile from my apartment) a car almost hit my truck! What's so special about that? Well, let me attempt to describe the scene! On the right hand side of the street, there was a whole line of cars parked. What makes this unique is the fact that they were ALL FACING TOWARD ONCOMING TRAFFIC! So when the man in the car pulled out from where he was parked, he was immediately facing me IN MY LANE!!!!!! Screeching Tires and a Loud Horn Blowing is what I heard as I swerved to the left! I didn't even have TIME to hit the Brakes, but he had time to blame ME for the situation! The Nerve! Like it is MY fault He was Parked ILLEGALLY FACING TRAFFIC and couldn't see to pull out! That's WHY it's against the law! So, I stifled my explicative language for the sake of my Daughter and Drove On singing Piano Man to her with the Radio.

Less than a Mile later, I am stopped at a Stop Light with my Right Turn Signal On, waiting for the light to change. The Right Turn I would shortly be making behind the vehicle in front of me is on to a 1-Way, Two Lane Highway. The Light Turns Green, and the Vehicle in Front of me turns the Right Turn and I slowly follow. As I was turning, a Vehicle that was at the Light Facing Me, also Turned into Her Proper Lane. Somehow, this woman did not see me and without signaling, begins to change lanes from the Left Lane into the Right Lane. I Slowed Down and HAMMERED on my Horn! The Elderly “Lady” (that was making an illegal lane change) Swerved Back into her Lane and had the audacity to proudly display her middle finger to me! UNREAL......Again...apparently it was all MY fault...

After I safely deliver my Daughter to Daycare, I am still singing with the radio on the way home until an alert is issued about an accident on the Interstate nearby. The South-Bound Lane will be Closed for HOURS because some nincompoop driving a Commercial Transport Bus failed to comply with the Construction Speed Zone, Lost Control after Hitting the Grooved Pavement and Bounced Off a Guard Rail and Collided with Multiple Vehicles ultimately coming to a halt on it's Roof in the Median! Six People were Rushed to the Hospital with Serious Injuries! All because someone doesn't follow the rules!

So, Here is my Proposal:

We have all heard the argument stating that Elderly People should have to Re-Take their Driver's Exam and Road Test. Let's take that a step further! Why not force EVERYONE to Re-Test every Five Years?????? Eye Exam, Written Test Addressing Traffic Laws, Road-Test and YES, How about a Test for Illegal Substances??? YEP, I said it! Drug Test for your License! Why Not? I mean, sure, after the initial Drug Test, it won't stop people from Using, but how many would have their License Suspended until they COULD Pass? Maybe that short period of time could save a life! Why Not Implement a Federal Program for Random Drug Tests for All Drivers??? Cost? No Problem..Increase the License Fee and use the Extra Money for the Random Tests! I, Personally, have no qualms about any of this! I would Gladly Submit to a Written Exam about Traffic Safety, a Road Test, Eye Exam and a Drug Test!

I know we have all had similar occurrences. Do we all make Mistakes when Driving? YES! I do too! But I don't have a blatant disregard for the Rules of the Road! Doesn't it bother you that people fail to follow the rules and place YOUR LIFE AT RISK??? No? How about your LOVED ONE'S LIVES?? When are people going to be held accountable for their actions BEFORE a disaster occurs?? Lets be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE!!! Let's DO Something about this! Lets Get the Idiots Off the Road! For Our Safety, and Our Children's Safety!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree...I have No problem paying more money to implement this...I have No Qualms at all...I think it's a Great idea and would definitely keep the roads a whole lot safer...for everyone!!!