Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Hard Times

Written By: The Rabid Rogue - MrManUSA Writer

It's No Secret that the Holiday Season can be difficult. (to say the least) The Holiday Rush for Gifts and Dinners and Holiday Special Moments devour our attention and take our focus from our daily lives. The Loss of Loved Ones during the Holidays also leaves us dealing with added unwanted stress and feelings. Sometimes life may appear to be sending us in directions that we have no control over or directions that we don't wish to go due to circumstances that are beyond our control. It is these times that we need to focus our attention on what we can control and realize that somethings we cannot change, but we can overcome them with perseverance.

I feel it is important to realize that life goes on whether it is the Holidays or the middle of July. The days are no different. It is our feelings and our collective mindset of how Special the Holidays are to us due to the pressure of commercialization of the Holiday Season that intensify all of our thoughts and feelings. Do you think about Donating to the Salvation Army all year long? No. Most of us don't. I sometimes donate old furniture and things, but I don't make monetary donations, EXCEPT during the Holidays. There is something about an individual standing in the cold ringing a bell that spurs my spirit to give. Do you rush around to find gifts for all your loved ones all year long? No.... Why? Is it because there is no reason to? No. There is always a reason to! How about LOVE? Isn't that really what the Holidays are about? Love. Powerful. Unequivocal Love. There is something to be said about the feeling you get when you give someone a Gift during the Holidays... The feeling you get when you see them open it is warm and uplifting. So why do we really only do this every December? Are Gifts really that important? Not to Me. I would rather be able to spend the Holidays with those important to me than to receive gifts.

So Life Goes On all year long. People are not starving any more in December than they are in June... Loved Ones are Lost in May as they are in December. Holiday Spirit is what amplifies our feelings about these issues. So if you are a victim of the Holiday Blues because of circumstances in your Life, remember that it can always be worse. Focus on what you CAN Control...Maybe not thoughts or feelings, but Physical Action. Spend more time with Mom...She's not always going to be there... Reconcile with someone you have not been able to forgive.... Donate your time at a Local Food Shelter or Soup Kitchen... Donate a Toy for a Child you don't know...

So no matter what your problems are...there is someone out there that needs you...maybe you just can't see it....MAYBE the reason you are going through what you are going through is a determining circumstance that leads you to make a difference in someone else's life...

Here is a list of links if you feel like making a Monetary Donation during this Holiday Season. Happy Holidays to All!
Assist Our Soldiers with anything from paying the Electric Bill to Medical Bills from Combat Injury (this includes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Assist Families in need due to Disasters
Make a Dream Come True!
A Website with an Extensive List of Charities!

Once Again...Happy Holidays!!!

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