Social Shift!
Welfare...Public Assistance...Benefits...Whatever you want to call it...Its time for a change..Again, I am drawing conclusions from Personal Observations and Experiences, and maybe I am way off base, but here's a situation I have seen many times:
Welfare...Public Assistance...Benefits...Whatever you want to call it...Its time for a change..Again, I am drawing conclusions from Personal Observations and Experiences, and maybe I am way off base, but here's a situation I have seen many times:
My Next Door Neighbor is on Public Assistance. She Plays “The System”. She does not work, Reproduces like she needs to populate a small continent, and has general disregard for everyone around her (including her 4 children which she screams at daily). Why does Society tolerate this? Why? I am a logical person, so I guess it must be the “Herd Mentality.” The Herd takes care of their own...Tha
t's Fine and Dandy, but when does Natural Selection come in??? Survival of the Fittest?? When is enough...ENOUGH??? This Woman (I use the term loosely because I don't feel she has reached that level of maturity yet) that lives near me can afford more luxury items than I can! Her Rent, Lights, Heat, Health Benefits and Food PAID for by the State! And now I find out that she has been granted a Voucher by the State for a Larger Apartment...And, of course, it just so happens there is one available DIRECTLY ABOVE MINE...So this Foul-Mouthed-Strung-Out-Reproducing-Rabbit may be moving above me...Sure...I could call and report that she has not been honest in her declarations to the State by allowing her boyfriend (who I think works) to live with them. Her Full-Coverage would be reduced in the very least, but it is not my job to police these matters. So instead, I propose a Solution!

Welfare Reform?? Not the Answer! How about a Government Subsidized Workforce???? Let me explain further....Many people feel that being a Stay-at-Home Mom or Dad is a Full-Time Job.

Say what you want, but not only would I prefer MY Tax Dollars be spent on something productive like this, but I think it could spur a Economical and Social Change...How Can That Be Bad????
I want to make something clear: I understand that a system for temporary relief funds needs to be in effect, but temporary is the key word. Not only that, but I also understand that some people are just not capable of work. These are NOT the members of society that I focus this on. I focus this on the “Members” of society that CHOOSE to live in this fashion. Lets Help America's Youth!
Good after noon RabidRogue !
I completely understand what is happening, and it's happening all around us, the saddest part's been happening for a very long time. Some how these people seem to fall through the cracks in the system... and the government is not doing anything about it !It's too labor intensive !Maybe the gov likes to sit on thier butts too ! Any way...
A while back I received an email that I think would work well in conjuction with your idea...SIMPLY...any one who receives any sort of public assistance should be randomly tested for drinking and drug use before the assistance check(s) are issued...just a simple urine test...if they test clean AND can prove they have done a number of hours towards community service...then the check is issued! If they refuse the test...NO CHECK ! It's really quite simple...we can call it ...
I know that I have work to have monies...ooooh the hours...the stress...the travel...the expense...ect...
So why should a portion of my taxes that are TAKEN from MY PAY CHECK allow other people monies so they may sit at home doing God knows what...waiting for OUR monies to come them in the mail, or be direct deposited into thier account ! It's enough to make you ILL.
I say...combine the ideas ...
PROVIDE PROOF of hours SPENT doing community services
signed: beatlebug
Thanks for the Post! I Too had received that email a while ago...I agree that this issue NEEDS to be addressed! Maybe this blog will make it to D.C! Remember: All Change Comes From Someone's "Big Idea" Thanks Again!
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