Make your own DVD movies for FREE!
By Devon Foxx - MrManUSA Writer
Ever wonder how you can take those videos you have on your computer and put them on a DVD that will play in a DVD player and do it for free? Well aside from paying for the disc anyway!
There are a number of ways you can obtain your videos. If you are familiar with Windows Movie Maker you are well aware of how you can take your videos and put them together into a rather nice movie. Windows Movie Maker comes free with Windows.
You can also download videos from YouTube using a program called You Tube Downloader, videos from YouTube and other "Tube" sites will generally download as "FLV" files. To use them in Windows Movie Maker you will have to convert them to a different format. Fortunately You Tube Downloader comes with a conversion utility built in although converting them is a second step you will have to do after you are done downloading them.Now comes an Awesome program! And it's FREE. DVD Flick is a free program that will take all of the major video formats and burn them all to DVD. You do not have to convert them seperately, DVD Flick will do it as you generate your DVD movie. You can take your Windows Movie Maker files, YouTube videos, and most other videos you find on the internet and drop them all into your DVD Flick project. You then set the order in which you want them to play. After selecting a few other options such as video quality and the title of your disc you are ready to generate your DVD.
Now, it is free, so there are some trade-offs. It is pretty slow in generating a DVD movie and the design options are limited. You will want to set it up just before you go to bed and let DVD Flick work while you sleep. But, on a limited budget you can't complain, it does the job! After generating your DVD it will reside on your computer. If you want it on a DVD disc all you have to do is open your CD/DVD burning software and burn it to DVD just like you would make a data disc.
Alternatively you can download and buy Nero 9, probably the best for purchase DVD authoring software on the planet. This will set you back between $59.99 to $79.99 but is well worth it if your ready to move from free to a paid piece of software!