Fair and Square!
By Devon Foxx - MrManUSA Writer
I always laugh when I tell people about my theory of Fair and Square. In reality it is pretty simple... When you go to the golden arches and pay almost $10 for a burger, fries, and a drink I think that it is only fair that you grab a few extra napkins for cleaning things up in the car!
Everybody has some fast food napkins stashed somewhere in their car. Maybe they did not think of them as Fair and Square, but none-the-less we all have them. Now some may think that is not right, here is my argument. All fast food places stamp or print their logo right on their napkins. All I do is simply place what essentially is an advertisement in my glove box. So for .05 cents worth of napkins the golden arches gets repeated advertising impressions every time I get in my car!
Here are the famous slogans used by McDonalds over the years:
1960: “Look For the Golden Arches”; “All American Meal” (promotes burger, fries and shake)
1960: “Go for Goodness at McDonald’s”
1966-69: “Your Kind of Place”
1970-74: “You Deserve a Break Today”
1975: “We Do It All for You”
1976-78: “You, You’re the One”
1979-81: “Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald’s Can”
1981-83: “You Deserve a Break Today”
1983-84: “McDonald’s & You”
1984-88: “It’s a Good Time for the Great Taste of McDonald’s”
1987: “Mac Tonight” (promoting late-night business)
1988-90: “Good Time, Great Taste, That’s Why This Is My Place”
1990-91: “Food, Folks & Fun”
1991-92: “McDonald’s Today”
1992-94: “What You Want Is What You Get at McDonald’s Today”
1995-97: “Have You Had Your Break Today?”
1997: “My McDonald’s”
1997-2000: “Did Somebody Say McDonald’s?”
2000-2002: “We Love to See You Smile”
2002-03: “Smile”
2003- : “I’m Lovin’ It”
I think 2009 should be "Take our napkins, they're free!"
Now I am thinking, what else is Fair and Square? Well, when you fill up at the gas station they usually have a garbage can right there next to the pump. Take a moment while your filling your tank to grab those two coffee cups and throw them away! It's free and your filling your tank right?
Alright, I can't give up all my secrets! I gotta go, I am out of time. Today is free sample day at the grocery store and I am starved! I'm joking...